Mount and blade medieval conquest slow loading times
Mount and blade medieval conquest slow loading times

mount and blade medieval conquest slow loading times mount and blade medieval conquest slow loading times

These bandits always carry a Hunting Bow or Short Bow, along with two-handed axes, hatchets, or quarter staffs. Forest Bandits live close to forests and are often encountered in Rhodok or Swadian lands (in Warband, only in Swadia lands).They are equipped with typical Khergit weapons like lances, small one-handed swords, and throwing weapons. They are difficult to defeat at the beginning of the game, due to their maneuverability and speed. Steppe Bandits primarily live in the Khergit steppes and always ride Steppe Horses.All Looters are footmen, and their standard equipment is nothing more than knives and throwing rocks. While mildly difficult to defeat at first, they become nearly powerless later in the game. They are weak and exist all over Calradia. Looters, also called "River Pirates" in earlier versions, are the standard type of lawless scum.The following types of bandits were introduced in the original Mount&Blade. They were the steppe equivalent of Sea Raiders in terms of strength and equipment but were dangerous because every bandit was mounted.

mount and blade medieval conquest slow loading times

They operated in the same way as Steppe Bandits however, their equipment and stats were drastically better than most other bandits. Black Khergit Raiders - These bandits were removed with the advent of the Khergit Khanate and generally had the same equipment as higher tier Khergit cavalry.They were nearly impossible to beat, crushing both player and main faction parties. They were incredibly powerful and dangerous, possessing powerful weapons and the most powerful armor in the game. Dark Knights - These soldiers belonged to the outlaw faction and were removed from Mount&Blade in version 0.95x.These bandits were removed from the game before release and only exist in beta versions.

Mount and blade medieval conquest slow loading times